Automate Twilio and connect all your tools

Twilio automations by Workhorse: Enhance your communication workflows, save time, and drive better results with custom automations designed for your Twilio setup.

Automate Twilio and connect workflows with Google Docs, Xero, Slack, Microsoft Azure, SQLServer, SharePoint, BambooHR, PowerAutomate and more.
"Working with the Workhorse team has been instrumental in automating and consolidating our processes and systems. We've gained valuable time back to focus on high-value work through various stages of work and tasks being streamlined. I'd recommend Workhorse to any business looking to save time, money and labour through the automation of workflows and synchronisation of data."

Ben Roulston

COO, Thinka

An example connection: Hubspot to monday, sharepoint, xero, stripe, notion, mailchimp, and zoom

Seamless automation, cross-platform synchronisation.

Modern business means lots of software. Email somewhere, project management somewhere else. Tickets on one system, timesheets on another. It’s inefficient, but it doesn’t need to be.

Using tools like Make, Power Automate, and Zapier, Workhorse gives your software the boring jobs so you can focus on value creation.

1,000+ Flows Automated
100,000 Users Connected
Connect sales (like Hubspot and other CRMs), order and project management (like monday and sharepoint), and finance (like xero and stripe) together in a custom ERP and get alerts sent to slack, teams, or email.

We'll connect Twilio and the tools you use

Enhance your customer communication with Twilio automations by Workhorse. Workhorse connects your messages, calls, and workflows, creating a seamless customer experience. Get your communication channels integrated and your business growing.

Don't make the generalised vs specialised software trade-off.

Generalised ERP software

  • Expensive subscriptions
  • Pay for features you don't use
  • Learning curve for teams

Custom Software Build

  • High cost to build
  • Expensive to maintain
  • Difficult to scale

Workhorse Automations

  • One-time payment
  • No learning curve - use the platforms you're familiar with
  • Scalable as you grow

Flat fees with no blowouts

Pay once to connect up to three platforms with notifications sent to your team communication channels. When we're done, you can choose to move to one of our ongoing support plans.

Looking for something else?

Whether you're trying to connect two apps or need an entire work system automated, Workhorse has your back.

Single Workflow
Get a single, one-way workflow automated between two apps.
full business automation
For startups and enterprises wanting to optimise and automate their entire workflow.
custom Apps & dashboards
For businesses that require custom apps that integrate with their systems.

Get your business running for you.

Check out our full range of plans today, or book a free consultation with the Workhorse team to see where you fit.

Still got questions?

Check out the FAQ for more information. If you’re still stuck, reach out and we’ll help get you underway.